
Narcotic Delight’s Forbidden Pleasure envelops your senses in a dance of cherry and pink pepper, culminating in an ecstasy of vanilla and tobacco, a fragrance that promises not just to attract but to captivate.

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The Forbidden Pleasure of Narcotic Delight

This fragrance sets its sights on sensual vanilla, electrified by pink pepper, drenched in a sip of cognac, before finally succumbing to the intoxicating swirls of a cigar. A mischievous twist of juicy cherry celebrates the indulgence of a polished proposition.

A daring touch of provocation, as at the heart of this fragrance lies Hedione, a molecule that stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain, acting as the final trigger in a decidedly carnal formula.

Olfactory notes of Narcotic Delight:

Top notes:
Cherry, Pink Pepper, and Black Pepper

Heart Notes:
Cognac and Hedione

Base Notes:
Tobacco and Vanilla

How long does the fragrance last?
The new Initio perfume lasts up to 8 hours on the skin.

Is this fragrance suitable for both men and women?
Yes, Narcotic Delight is a unisex fragrance that anyone can enjoy.

Delivery free of charge from 100 €.

24 – 72 hours in the peninsula

Try it before you buy it - The Papaduk Sample Pack

Soon, we might just WeTransfer you the aroma of our fragrances – scent-o-email, anyone? But until tech catches up to our wild dreams, get a whiff of the Papaduk Sample Pack! Sniff, swirl, and ponder – no strings attached.

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