
Notes: leather, honey, vetiver, beeswax, caraway, patchouli, oak moss, narcissus, cedar, Bulgarian rose

1 in stock

The Black Knight is a gothic, intense and sophisticated perfume, inspired by the historical character Giovanni Dalle Bande Nere, an Italian condottiero (mercenary captain) of the Renaissance who belonged to the glorious Medici family.

I loved this character for his stoic commitment to his cause, his loyalty and his Spartan way of life, despite his noble origins.

The perfume tries to represent the atmosphere of a military camp, starting with the smell of wild bushes, then the smoke from the camp fire and the smell of horse tack.
The evolution then delves deeper into the soul of this stern character, revealing the presence of a secret lover, with a powdery rose rounding out the deep vetiver core.

“I didn’t add any typical animalistic notes, as the intensity of the vetiver, along with the smokiness of the leather, already carried it through. I wanted to combine both the uncompromising and human aspects of this fascinating character in a dark, medieval and meditative scent.”

Francesca Bianchi

Delivery free of charge from 100 €.

24 – 72 hours in the peninsula

Try it before you buy it - The Papaduk Sample Pack

Soon, we might just WeTransfer you the aroma of our fragrances – scent-o-email, anyone? But until tech catches up to our wild dreams, get a whiff of the Papaduk Sample Pack! Sniff, swirl, and ponder – no strings attached.

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